Product details

TOMME DE SAVOIE "13 % MG" 1.500 KG

Tomme de Savoie with raw cow's milk made only in Savoie. It weighs approximately 1,300 to 1,500 kg.It is light and contains a rate of 13% instead of 26% MG.



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Additional informations

It can be enjoyed all year round on the platter or as an aperitif. Its paste is flexible.It can be tasted after maturing for 2 to 3 months. Contrary to what might suggest its hard and rough crust and its smell of cellar, mold, its taste is soft, tender and delicate. It will be appreciated by everyone, including children.Appearance: Thick, rough brown crust with white and yellow spots. Slightly sticky, tender, ivory to yellow in color, dotted with small holes. Fruity taste. Cave smellMaturing: 2 to 3 months.Raw milk (30% fat) Raw whole milk from cow